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Lea Manor High School


Pupils and staff sign an acceptable use policy before being granted access to the school's network. 

All users of the network are expected to behave responsibly and use it for educational purposes.

We educate pupils, as part of their ICT lessons, about the dangers of social networking and ensure that they are fully aware of their responsibilities when communicating with others online.  We work closely with CEOP to ensure that pupils who get involved in cyber bullying are aware of the law relating to this.

We fully understand that having a mobile phone is an intrinsic part of life for the large majority of young people and having a phone with them each day can help them to be safe on the way to and from school.  However, mobile phones can also be misused during the school day and can cause a distraction and so we ask pupils ensure that they are switched off as soon as they come through the school gates in a morning and kept in their bags until they leave at the end of the day.

If pupils are using their mobile phone in school then the following sanctions will be adhered to:

1st time incident Phone confiscated, kept safe in the school reception and collected at the end of the school day by the pupil at 3:15pm
2nd time incident Phone confiscation, kept safe in the school reception and collected by parents. Meeting to be held with Head of Year
3rd time incident Phone confiscated followed by a meeting with a senior member of staff.

Please read the points below and follow them to help keep yourself safe:

  • Tell your teacher or parent/carer straight away if you find something that worries you!
  • Do not worry that you will get into trouble. If something happens, you will not be blamed for something done by someone else.
  • Behave in a responsible and appropriate manner when using computers, the internet and mobile phones. Remember – Sensible and Safe.
  • Read the Guidance Pages in your planner.
  • Think about what you find on the internet, not everything is truthful and accurate!
  • Never reveal your personal details or post any pictures to anyone online unless a teacher or parent/carer gives you permission. This includes to other people who appear to be the same age as you.
  • Report it to a teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks you to reveal anything personal.
  • Your password is secret. Keep it secret, even from your friends, even your best friend.
  • Choose a strong password – use a combination of upper case, lower case, symbols and numbers.
  • Never try to bypass the School safety systems. They are there to protect you. Attempting to get around them is a serious breach of our Code of Conduct.
  • Ask permission from your teacher or parent/carer to post anything on a public website or send any information to anyone.
  • Remember – You cannot erase your activity.