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Lea Manor High School

GCSE Subject Overviews

The information on this page is broken down into individual subjects, providing an outline of what pupils can expect when taking these subjects at GCSE. This includes mark breakdowns, assessment objectives, key resources, and more.

For more information on revision techniques and advice, please visit our GSCE Exam Preparation page. 

This information was first presented at our Year 10 Information Evening on 23rd May 2024.

English Language

Both English Language and English Literature are taught in English lessons. English Language is it's own, unique GCSE.

 English Language is split across 2 papers, both worth 50% of the final grade. 

Paper 1 (50%) Paper 2 (50%)

Section A:


1 unseen literature fiction text

Section B:


Descriptive or narrative writing

Section A:


1 non-fiction and 1 literary non-fiction text

Section B:


Writing to present a viewpoint

80 Marks

40 Marks

40 Marks

Exam length: 1hr 45mins

Exam length: 1hr 45mins

Assessment Objectives (AOs) 
  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 (Writing)
Paper 1


List 4 things...

Identify explicit information


Identify explicit ideas


4 marks


How does the writer's use of language...

Explain, comment on, analyse


8 marks


How does the writer structure...

Explain, comment on, analyse


8 marks


To what extent do you agree?

Evaluate texts critically


20 marks


Descriptive or narrative writing

  • Communicate clearly
  • Organise information
  • Use a range of vocabulary and sentences
  • Accurate spelling and punctuation


40 marks

Paper 2


Ture/false statements...

Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas


4 marks


Write a summary...

Synthesis of explicit and implicit ideas and information


8 marks


How does the writer's use of language...

Explain, comment on, analyse


12 marks


How the writers present...

Compare writers' ideas and perspectives, and how they are conveyed


16 marks 


Pupils write about their own views

  • Communicate clearly
  • Organise information
  • Use a range of vocabulary and sentences
  • Accurate spelling and punctuation


40 marks

 Pupils should:

  • Practise writing extended responses in timed, exam conditions
  • Complete past exam questions
  • Watch GSCEPod and other revision videos
  • Revie language and structural techniques
  • Familiarise themselves with the requirements of each question
  • Use revision guides and Google Classroom resources

English Literature

Both English Language and English Literature are taught in English lessons. English Literature is it's own, unique GCSE. 

English Literature is split across 2 papers; Paper 1 is worth 40% of the final grade, and Paper 2 worth 60%.

Paper 1 Paper 2

Section A:



Section B:

19th Century Prose

A Christmas Carol

Section A:

Modern Texts

An Inspector Calls

Section B:

Anthology poetry

Section C:

Unseen poetry

64 Marks 96 Marks
Exam length: 1hr 45mins Exam length: 2hrs 15mins
Assessment Objectives (AOs)


Read, understand and respond to texts.

Pupils should be able to: 

  • Maintain a critical style and develop an informed personal response
  • Use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate interpretations.


Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate.


Show understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which they were written.

AO for all Sections across both Papers AO for all Sections across both Papers AO for all Sections in Paper 1

 Pupils should:

  • Make sure they have a solid understanding of the texts
  • Complete past exam questions
  • Watch GSCEPod and other revision videos
  • Go over their classwork and the feedback given by the teachers
  • Quiz themselves on key quotations
  • Use revision guides and Google Classroom resources


Mathematics is split across 3 equally-weighted papers, worth 80 marks each. Paper 1 is non-calculator, and Papers 2 & 3 are calculator papers. All papers are 1hr 30mins in length.

Pupils should utilise all of the revision resources available to them, including:

  • Google Classroom
  • MathsWatch
  • Revision guides
  • GCSEPod
  • Sparx Maths

Pupils should also ensure they have the correct equipment, including their own scientific calculator (Casio FX-83GT or 85GT recommended). 

Science (Combined)

Combined Science counts as 2 GCSEs.

Combined Science is split across 6 equally-weighted papers, worth 70 marks each. There are 2 Biology papers, 2 Chemistry papers, and 2 Physics papers. All papers are 1hr 15mins in length.

Pupils should utilise all of the revision resources available to them, including:

  • Google Classroom
  • Kay Science
  • Revision guides
  • GCSEPod
  • PiXL

Science (Triple)

Triple Science gives you 3 separate GCSEs; 1 in Biology, 1 in Chemistry, and 1 in Physics. All 3 disciplines are taught in Science lessons.

Triple Science is split across 6 equally-weighted papers, worth 100 marks each. There are 2 Biology papers, 2 Chemistry papers, and 2 Physics papers. Each paper is worth 50% of the final grade for it's discipline. All papers are 1hr 45mins in length.

Pupils should utilise all of the revision resources available to them, including:

  • Google Classroom
  • Kay Science
  • Revision guides
  • GCSEPod
  • PiXL

Modern Foreign Languages (French and Spanish)

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) includes both French and Spanish (of which pupils will only do 1 language), which both follow the same exam structure. Pupils will either do MFL exams at a Foundation or Higher level.

MFL subjects are split across 4 equally-weighted exams: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing; each worth 25% of the final grade.

Exam Breakdown
Exam Format Exam Time Assessment Objectives
Listening Written





Understanding and responding to different types of spoken language
Speaking Spoken (Recorded)





Communicating and interacting effectively in speech for a variety of purposes
Reading Written





Understanding and responding to different types of written language
Writing Written




1hr 15mins

Communicating effectively in writing for a variety of purposes

Pupils should:

  • Study the AQA GCSE vocabulary
  • Rehearse answers for the 24 question booklet
  • Use online applications for vocabulary and grammar consolidations such as Memrise, Duolingo, and GCSEPod
  • Revise key grammar and structures from revision guides
  • Complete exam-style questions from revision guides and past papers 

Home Languages

If a pupils is confident in a language they speak at home or have already learnt, they can choose to do an additional GCSE in this language. There will be no timetabled lessons for additional languages, the pupil will only be entered into the exam and only the Higher bracket will be available. These exams will follow the same structure as those for MFL.

The home languages offered at Lea Manor are:

  • Arabic
  • Italian
  • Urdu
  • Bengali
  • Polish
  • German
  • Panjabi

Pupils should only choose to do these additional GCSEs if they are very confident in the language already. 

Non-Examined Assessments

Not all subjects are completely exam based, some GCSEs are assessed with Non-Examined Assessments (NEAs), more commonly known as coursework.

The subjects taught at Lea Manor that feature NEAs are:

  • Art
  • Drama
  • Health & Social Care
  • Music
  • Sports Studies

NEAs are marked in school and externally moderated by the exam board. NEAs can make up up to 60% of the final GCSE grade.

All coursework submitted for assessment must be the pupil's own work. They must not plagiarise works from others, as this can lead to disqualification from the GCSE.