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Lea Manor High School

Domestic Abuse & Encompass

Have you ever felt afraid of your partner? Have you ever changed your behaviour because you’re afraid of what your partner might do?

Domestic abuse, includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse in couple relationships or between family members.

Domestic abuse can happen against anyone, and anybody can be an abuser.

If you think you may be in an abusive relationship, there are lots of people who can help you.

Domestic abuse can have a long lasting impact on children.

If you believe you (or someone you know) is in immediate danger, call the Police on 999. 

If it’s not safe for you to speak on the phone, then tap the phone, or if you’re ringing from a mobile, you’ll be prompted to press 55, which will alert Police to come to your location. 

We would also encourage you contact the Safeguarding Team as we can discuss additional support which may be helpful. 

ENCOMPASS - Domestic Abuse Notification 

At Lea Manor High School, we are working in partnership with Luton Borough Council and Bedfordshire Police to identify and provide support to pupils who have experienced domestic abuse in their home. Nationally this scheme is called Operation Encompass.  It is also used by the Police to notify if a child or young person has been reported missing to the police. 

On receipt of any information from the Police, the designated safeguard lead will decide on the appropriate support the child needs, this could be silent or overt.

Organisations that can help

Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones (Luton) is a charity dedicated to empowering women who have suffered domestic abuse or are vulnerable due to substance misuse by providing hope and the skills and resources to make positive life choices.

Available: Monday – Friday – 9am – 5pm
Phone: 01582 457114
Email: hello@steppingstonesluton.org.uk
Website: https://www.steppingstonesluton.co.uk

Luton Independent Domestic Violence Advisory (IDVA) Service
Victim Support's IDVA service provides free, confidential support and guidance for high risk victims of domestic abuse in Luton.

They support any victims over the age of 16 years old that are at risk of significant harm, regardless of their sexuality, gender, disability, culture or background.

The service accepts referrals from any source including self referrals.

Available: Monday – Friday – 8am – 5pm
Phone: 01582 488777
Email: luton.idva@victimsupport.org.uk
Website: https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/.../bedfordshire

Luton All Women's Centre
Luton All Women's Centre offers advisory, information, practical and holistic support services for vulnerable women and girls living in Luton

Phone: 01582 416783 
Email: support@lawc.co.uk
Website: https://www.lutonallwomenscentre.org.uk/run-by-women-for-women

Respect is an organisation which lead on the development of safe, effective work with perpetrators, male victims, and young people using violence in their close relationships.

Respect Phoneline - confidential helpline, email and webchat service for domestic abuse perpetrators and those supporting them. 

Telephone: 0808 802 4040 
Website: https://www.respect.uk.net/

Respect also have a specific Men's Advice Line – confidential for male victims of domestic abuse.

Telephone: Call 0808 801 0327