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Lea Manor High School


Department Intent

The three E’s of English: Empathise, Examine, Express

Knowledge in English

In English, our pupils develop an understanding of writing as a craft and their knowledge of how words can influence others. They are challenged to use evidence to justify their personal responses to the texts they study, and are given the tools needed to understand, infer, explain, examine, analyse, compare, and communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively. By learning about texts from different time periods, genres and voices, our pupils are exposed to a world outside of their local context and are able to learn about the experiences of other people.

Curriculum in English

At Lea Manor High School, the English curriculum aims to develop a love of literature that follows our pupils throughout life, exposing them to the human experience, and encouraging them to become authors, poets, playwrights, and journalists.


Through our concept-based curriculum, pupils explore texts that delve into key themes and motifs within English, for example love, identity, morality, gender, conflict and power. Each unit builds towards a wider understanding of Literature, where pupils will be able to make compelling links between the texts they have studied.

By the end of KS3, students will have had the opportunity to develop a secure understanding of the key knowledge and skills needed to be a successful English pupil. Pupils will study a range of texts, including poetry and non-fiction accounts, and will know how to express their interpretations and opinions. By the end of KS4, pupils will have completed their study of the AQA specification of both English Language and English Literature, and will be confident in their ability to interpret and question the stories they read.

Teaching and Learning in English

Each unit in the English curriculum will provide opportunities for pupils to work independently, with their critical friend, and with a wider group. Retrieval of prior knowledge is essential to the teaching and learning within the department and pupils are encouraged to make connections between topics and subjects through the use of interleaved and spaced recall tasks. 


Teaching will build upon pupils’ storage of key knowledge in the long-term memory, with lesson activities to focus their thinking on the overall learning goals. Lessons will include a range of activities, with reading, discussing, annotating and writing being used to develop their knowledge, critical thinking and skill set. Through the use of modelling and scaffolding, we ensure that our pupils are confident in their ability to write both academically and creatively, and are able to express their thoughts in an articulate and
well-evidenced manner.
This also underpins the role of Speaking and Listening within the subject, as pupils are guided into becoming eloquent and confident speakers. 


Pupils will also have the opportunity to develop their literacy further, and there is a strong focus on developing a secure understanding of how to craft sentences for different effects. This is an essential part of preparing them for the wider world, as we challenge our pupils to improve their ability to communicate effectively, and the department ensures that key vocabulary (including subject terminology) is embedded throughout the units.

Our KS3 texts embed the ethos of the department and ensure our pupils are challenged, whilst growing their awareness of different contexts, methods and themes. In KS4, our texts are chosen for their potential to help our pupils succeed at GCSE and beyond. Throughout both key stages, pupils encounter a wide range of texts, selected for their moral, literary and social value. There is an emphasis on hearing different voices and empathising with different experiences.

Assessment in English

Assessment in English is consistent, coherent, integrated seamlessly into the curriculum and is a valuable activity in its own right. Over the course of each scheme of learning, pupils will be given opportunities for different types of assessments and receive high quality, meaningful feedback. From low-stake quizzes that assess knowledge to extended writing responses that demonstrate what pupils have been studying, there are multiple chances for pupils to reflect on what they know and learn how to improve, securing their rapid progress.

Learning Beyond the Classroom in English

The English curriculum underpins understanding in all other subjects, such as Drama, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Science and Art. Our pupils are encouraged to form connections and use their prior and wider knowledge to extend their understanding. 


Subject-specific extra-curricular clubs offered include Current Affairs, Book Club and Debating, and this gives students the opportunity to develop their love of English outside of the lesson, working with their teachers to build the key skills for the subject and beyond.


Pupils are encouraged to read for pleasure and are directed towards challenging, but age-appropriate books that will develop their vocabulary and knowledge further. 

Each year, members of the English department organise trips for pupils to see plays performed in professional theatre, to hear authors speak about their work, and to visit places of literary and academic interest.  This allows us to help build the cultural capital of our pupils and expose them to life in the UK and beyond.

Curriculum Journey

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

Pig-Heart Boy


Narrative and Descriptive Writing

Pig-Heart Boy


Narrative and Descriptive Writing

Poetry Unlocked

Journey into Non-Fiction The Shakespearean Stage Ghost Stories

White Poppies


Narrative and Descriptive Writing

White Poppies


Narrative and Descriptive Writing

War Poetry Speechcrafting Romeo and Juliet Edgar Allan Poe Short Stories

Jekyll and Hyde


Narrative and Descriptive Writing

Jekyll and Hyde


Narrative and Descriptive Writing

Poetry Throughout History The Art of Rhetoric



5 Power & Conflicts poems



5 Power & Conflicts poems




5 Power & Conflicts poems



5 Power & Conflicts poems

A Christmas Carol


5 Power & Conflicts poems

A Christmas Carol


5 Power & Conflicts poems

An Inspector Calls


Power & Conflicts poems

Literature PPE Revision


Spoken Language


English Language Paper 1 and 2

English Language Paper 1 and 2


Unseen Poetry


Poetry Revision

English Literature Paper 1 and 2 Revision


English Language Paper 1 and 2 Revision

English Literature Paper 1 and 2 Revision


English Language Paper 1 and 2 Revision

Exam Revision

Curriculum Overview