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Lea Manor High School


Department Intent

Creativity. Dexterity. Expression.

Knowledge in Art Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. This will benefit the visual and spatial awareness in the Lea Manor High School community. The curriculum offers the children the opportunity to learn and engage with different art media such as mark making in pencil, charcoal, pastel, graphite, pen etc. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. The pupils will know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and local histories as well as contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our local community.
Curriculum in Art

Pupils will learn the order of the colour wheel and general colour theory - including primary, secondary and tertiary colours within a tropical scheme of work. They will study the work of current artists and create their own personal responses using a wide range of mediums and techniques. References to colour blending and grid drawings will enable pupils to learn and understand the basic fundamentals of art and will enable them to continue their skills in Year 8. 


Pupils will study the art movement Pop Art and look at a broad range of artists who have created work in response to the theme. Skills such as observational drawings, grid drawings, colour blending and colour theory will be revisited from Year 7 and developed further. They will learn to critique and analyse the artwork of a different genre using subject-specific keywords.

Teaching and Learning in Art

Each unit covered in the Art curriculum will provide opportunities for independent work, pair work and group work, all of which are used to build different skills such as debating and making judgements. A focus in Art is developing the pupils’ vocabulary by making explicit reference to key words and subject specific terminology which is needed from the start of KS3. All Art lessons contain elements of retrieval practice, new knowledge and application enabling the pupils to consolidate their understanding of each specific technique/skill. Pupils have many opportunities for discussion and analysis of topics in order to express their own opinions and develop the skill of being respectful and open to other people’s ideas. 


Observational drawing skills, working independently, evaluating work, painting in both poster and acrylic, how to analyse existing work, colour mixing and blending, shading and tonal techniques, composition skills, stencil cutting, creating lino prints, 3D building, how to analyse the work of artists and designers. 


Knowledge on the use of water colour pencils, oils pastels, paints, graphite, charcoal, ink, masking fluid, scratch art, tonal pencils, fine-liners and water, collage, pattern building, grid drawings and colour mixing, individualised where applicable. 

Assessment in Art Pupils who currently study GCSE Art in Year 10 and 11 are assessed on their Art Portfolio (Coursework) which is 60% of their final grade. They will be assessed on their final pieces for the Art Exam that makes up the other 40% of their grade.
Learning Beyond the Classroom in Art

Pupils are able to attend extra curricular Art lessons. Pupils will be given homework to support their learning.

Curriculum Journey

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2


(Food and Drinks)


(Mind Maps, Pop Art, Lines and Tones)


(Shapes, Observational)


(Colour Theory, Explore Artist)


(Application of Colour, Final Piece)


(Collage, Principles, Monoprinting)


(Final Piece influenced by an Artist)




(Mind Maps, Portrait Features, Artist Research)

Drawing and Painting

(Artist Analysis, Art Movement, Artist Response)

Mark Making and Collage

(Mood Boards, Doodle Selfies, Life Drawing)

Mark Making and Collage

(Line, Shape, Tone, Pattern, Personal Portrait Response)


(Design, Artist Analysis, Artist Response)


(Design, Artist Analysis, Artist Response)




(Mind Maps, Portrait Features, Artist Research)

Drawing and Painting

(Artist Analysis, Art Movement, Artist Response)

Mark Making and Collage

(Line, Shape, Tone, Pattern, Mixed Media, Scale and Proportion)

Mark Making and Collage

(Line, Shape, Tone, Pattern, Mixed Media, Scale and Proportion)


(Design, Artist Analysis, Artist Response, Mood Board, Tonal Drawing)


(Design, Artist Analysis, Artist Response, Mood Board, Tonal Drawing)


Component 1 

Skills: Drawing, Painting and Contextual Research

Component 1

Skills: Drawing, Painting and Digital Explorations

Component 1

Skills: Creative Process and Outcome

Component 1

Skills: Drawing, Painting and Contextual Research

Component 1

Skills: Painting, Drawings and Digital Explorations

Component 1

Skills: Creative Process and Outcome.

NEA Examination- Practice timed Final Pieces.

Component 1

Skills: Reflective and Refining

Component 1

Skills: Reflective and Refining

Component 2

External Assessment

Component 2

External Assessment

Curriculum Overview