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Lea Manor High School


Department Intent

Express, Elevate, Enjoy

Knowledge in Music The Music room is a calm but expressive space where pupils are challenged to read and play music, as well as learn about a range of Music genres and cultures around the world. Pupils will develop their listening and appraising skills and be encouraged to use their musical vocabulary in their responses. Pupils will be given the tools and time to compose their own music in addition to performing well known pieces of music on a range of instruments. By the end of their Music Education, pupils will have an appreciation for music in different cultures and genres providing pupils with cultural capital and be able to appreciate musical styles through performing, listening and composing.
Curriculum in Music

Our curriculum offers pupils the opportunity to develop their musical skills in listening, performing and composing through progression based on sequenced learning and increased difficulty of the required skill at KS3 and KS4.


Pupils will learn about a range of music genres, styles, and traditions through a diverse curriculum (Culture, well-being, LGBQT, Religion) and learn to listen with discrimination, identifying and discussing key features of the music using musical terminology confidently. Pupils will develop their solo and ensemble performance skills, while being taught how to play a number of instruments, including keyboard, guitar, ukulele, drums and vocals. Pupils will be taught how to compose their own music, express themselves through music and use the same software music industry professionals use.

Teaching and Learning in Music

Each of our lessons start with a retrieval task which ensures pupils practice note reading, note duration, notes on their instruments, chords, and key vocabulary. Homework is also used to develop pupils' music reading ability. 


Across each unit of study pupils engage in individual, paired and group learning activities involving Learning the theory of music (or topic they are studying), reading music, rehearsing, performance and feedback.  Every unit in the curriculum includes key vocabulary, background knowledge, including career paths, and opportunities to develop their music playing that builds over KS3 and KS4 into a coherent, comprehensive set of tools for accessing, studying and playing music. Individual lessons draw on prior knowledge and embed that knowledge through a combination of interleaving and spaced learning to define and indicate core content. Our lessons are sequenced in order to ensure our pupils master the skills taught in each topic and develop a wide repertoire of music they can play and our lessons are adapted to ensure each pupil is supported and challenged to achieve outstanding outcomes and that they become proud of their progress.  


We chose our topics of study to ensure a broad, diverse and meaningful curriculum. In Year 7, pupils start with the basics, learning about the elements of music and rhythm and notation, giving pupils a strong foundation to continue throughout KS3 into KS4. Topics pupils will study include: Blues, Jazz and Rock ‘n’ Roll, Musical Theatre, Rhythms Around the World, Film Music and Music for Video Games. Music pupils will learn to play are selected on their level of challenge and their ability to develop pupils skills and knowledge in that area of study. Throughout these topics, pupils will have the opportunity to learn and develop their playing in a range of instruments which include, Keyboard/Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, Recorder and African Drums. Links between Music/Performing Arts studies and future career options are used to build and reinforce aspiration.

Assessment in Music Over the course of each half term pupils engage in regular assessments of progress, both formative and summative in line with the school’s assessment policy. Forms of assessment include peer assessments, self-assessments, performances and whole class feedback every lesson, which not only monitor progress, but prepare pupils for their end of unit assessments monitoring their progress over the course of a half term. Annual end-of-year exams monitor the long-term progress and retention of core knowledge and skills. Assessments will include performances to the class, to help build pupils’ confidence in performance and their instrument playing. 
Learning Beyond the Classroom in Music

Beyond the classroom, the Music department offers a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities for the pupils to develop their playing an instrument(s) and their performance skills. These clubs include: Choir, Karaoke Club, Ukulele Club, Keyboard Club, Recorder Club, Musical Theatre Club. These clubs are used as the springboard for entry into performances and competitions inside and outside of school throughout the year, giving parents/carers the opportunity to engage and support their child with their child’s interests in Music and Performing Arts. These performances include regular showcases, Open Evening, providing music for the World Book Day performance, school productions and participation in Cross Trust productions. 


Each year, The Music Department will organize trips for pupils to further expand pupils’ Musical knowledge and experience. 


Throughout the academic program, we explicitly encourage parents to support their children with their music, rehearsals and homework to allow pupils to fully benefit and be enriched from our curriculum, the opportunities we offer and their wider cultural heritage.

Curriculum Journey

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
7 DR CAT SMITH Rhythm & Notation Music for Superheroes (Tonality) Battle of the Bands Blues, Jazz & Rock ‘n’ Roll Blues, Jazz & Rock ‘n’ Roll
8 Musical Theatre Western Classical Music Ensemble Performance Rhythms of the World Film Music Film Music
9 Solo Performance Skills (Piano) Ukulele Duets Pop Music What Makes a Good Song Music for Video Games Music for Video Games

Musical Elements & Musical Theory


Solo Performance

AOS: Popular Music


Solo Performance

AOS: Film Music


Solo Performance

Compositional Techniques


Solo Performance

AOS: Ensemble


Free Composition

Set work Bach


Free Composition


Complete Free Composition


Complete Solo Performance

Africa Set Work


Brief Composition

Ensemble Performance


Revisit Music Theory & Set Works

Complete Ensemble Performance


Complete Brief Composition

Revisit Set Works & Theory

Curriculum Overview

Music Development Plan