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Lea Manor High School

Early Help Offer

At Lea Manor High School, we offer a variety of early help support to the pupils we work with and their families and carers.

The aim is to identify any needs as early-as-possible and ensure appropriate support is implemented. Targeted early help is also known to significantly improve the outcomes for the child and their families.

Please note, early help is an approach not a service. 

Our Approach

Voice of the Child

We are keen to hear what our pupils want to share and ensure their voice and experiences are captured.

Working Collaboratively

We are keen to build a positive working relationship with the parents and carers of our pupils.  We, too, are keen to hear your views and experiences.

Early Help


This starts with a conversation with a member of the safeguarding team at Lea Manor High School; this may be also alongside another member of staff from the School supporting your child (such as a teacher or head of year).


We will talk through what’s going well and what’s not going well for you and your family. We will talk through what support and help is available.


This conversation might lead to an Early Help Assessment (EHA). This will be completed by a member of the safeguarding team and assists in capturing a ‘full picture’ about your family.


It is your choice to take part in the Early Help Assessment and you can choose who else should be involved (such as if you have other children at another School).


You need to give your consent as your information being shared; as it belongs to you.  Agencies can’t share your information unless you agree. This is protected by law under Data Protection.


With your consent; we will work with different organisations to help support you and your family. This could be liaising with a housing officer, or citizens advice for financial advice, or talking with substance misuse or mental health specialists about what bespoke, tailored and proportionate intervention support is needed.


Once an Early Help Assessment is completed; the next step is a ‘Team Around the Family’ meeting.  


Free Parenting Course - the Solihull Approach
There are various short courses available (free) for you to access. Courses including understanding teenage behaviour. There are various languages available. Follow the link below and use the code HATTERS to access.


‘Team Around the Family’ meeting

This will be a meeting with yourself (any support you may wish to attend) and the other workers supporting your family. At these meetings a ‘lead worker’ is selected.  The lead worker arranges the review meetings and is someone you can speak to at any point about issues you or your family are experiencing.

The aim is to come together to make a support plan.
The support plan is reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that progress is being made for your family and that the right support is in place.

Next Steps

Hopefully, the support plan will aid in reducing any difficulties your family are experiencing. However should there be any significant changes, we may need to escalate to Children’s Services (Family Partnership Service or MASH).

Family Partnership Service

The Family Partnership Service provides support to families where there are intense needs. This may include domestic abuse; mental, learning needs and disabilities, crime and anti-social behaviour, drug and alcohol misuse, no recourse to public funds, exploitation, financial exclusion.

Luton Children’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

Luton Children’s MASH may also be known as ‘children’s services’ or ‘social services’.


The safeguarding team at Lea Manor High School may refer to Luton Children’s MASH when there are significant concerns about abuse or harm. We will typically work alongside you and share that we are liaising with Luton Children’s MASH however there may be instances where we unable to do so.


Protecting vulnerable children is everyone’s business. Working Together (2018) details the requirements for new collaborative working arrangements for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and families; which will lead to improved outcomes and experiences.


Abuse is any form of physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care (neglect) that leads to injury or harm.

Abuse (also called significant harm) can happen to a child at any age. Abusers can be adults but not just parents or carers, abuse often occurs within a relationship of trust e.g. a teacher, carer, family friend or youth leader. 


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