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Lea Manor High School


Department Intent

Fluency, Reasoning, Problem Solving

Knowledge in Mathematics Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected subject that has been developed over time, providing the solution to some of the most intriguing problems in history. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering as well as being vital for financial literacy. Most importantly, a sound knowledge of mathematics is essential for young people seeking employment, and securing a qualification in mathematics is a fundamental requirement for the majority of employers. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
Curriculum in Mathematics

Pupils learn maths cumulatively, building on and deepening their understanding of mathematical ideas and concepts that become increasingly complex. A coherent curriculum knows where pupils are in this progression of mathematics learning and understanding, and builds upon it. That’s why our KS3 curriculum follows on from the KS2 curriculum, acknowledging what pupils should already know from their primary years, and covering all the knowledge and skills they need as a starting point for GCSE.


Our Key Stage 4 curriculum is designed to build upon skills learnt at Key Stage 3. We now follow the Pearson Edexcel scheme and at this stage in the curriculum pupils will now be following either a foundation or higher tier. We still follow a spiral scheme of work. We start with the fundamentals of maths, building on KS3 knowledge and then further extending throughout the course. 


The rationale behind our curriculum design includes trying to make learning stick by having a spiral curriculum. The five main areas of number, algebra, ratio, geometry and data are taught in a cycle. Each time pupils revisit an area, they are exposed to more complex content, building on what they have already learnt. We ensure the level of challenge is high enough for the most able, with scaffold and support available for students who need it.

Teaching and Learning in Mathematics

Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract Learning: Children engage with a wide and varied range of concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations and abstract methodologies within each session. Cohesive use of CPA is a fundamental part of mastery in mathematics for all learners, not just those pupils with SEND. Concrete and pictorial references scaffold and strengthen understanding and are widely used as a teaching and learning tool from Foundation Stage to Year 6. This then ensures a smooth transition into KS3 from primary school mathematics. 


Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving: Every lesson includes the opportunity to develop fluency skills, construct chains of reasoning using relevant knowledge alongside relevant terminology and solve increasingly complex problems in a systematic and coherent way.


Mathematical Vocabulary: Sessions include explicit reference to vital mathematical vocabulary and the use of stem sentences to support and encourage all children to communicate their ideas with mathematical precision and clarity. These sentence structures often express key conceptual ideas or generalities and provide a framework to embed conceptual knowledge and build understanding.


Retrieval Learning: All classes do a skill check at the start of every lesson. This goes through basic concepts all pupils must understand. This repeated practice helps embed their knowledge and aid in understanding. 


The Ofsted framework talks about ‘teachers present subject matter clearly…they respond and adapt their teaching as necessary, without unnecessarily elaborate or differentiated approaches’. We agree with the mastery principle that pupils should broadly move through the curriculum at the same pace. As far as possible, pupils should stay together on the same topic with necessary differentiation such as removing barriers and providing targeted support, but without the need for many different levels of worksheet for every single step. Our schemes include examples of ‘low floor, high ceiling tasks’ that support this approach to differentiation together with reasoning and problem solving questions that will challenge all pupils and allow the ‘quicker graspers’ to look at the maths in greater depth.

Assessment in Mathematics Over the course of the year, pupils are regularly assessed in class through end of topic tests. These are completed on a two-week delay to allow pupils time to understand what they were taught as opposed to just remembering. Pupils are then given feedback on what they did well and what needs to be improved. Annual end-of-year exams, accompanied by other externally standardised assessments at key points, monitor the long-term progress and retention of core knowledge and skills.
Learning Beyond the Classroom in Mathematics

Beyond the classroom the maths team offers various opportunities for students to continue their learning. 


Homework is set on a two week delay to ensure pupils understand taught content and are not just remembering. This then falls in line with the end of topic tests which are taken two weeks after the topic has been completed. The homework portal ‘Sparx Maths’ offers videos and worked examples so students are always able to answer questions. 

More able pupils are chosen to participate in the UK Maths Challenge. UKMT is an internationally recognised competition consisting of problem-solving exercises. Additional support classes are run during lunch time to better prepare students for this.

Curriculum Journey

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

Unit 1: Analysing and Displaying Data


Unit 2: Number Skills

Unit 3: Expressions, Functions and Formulae


Unit 4: Decimals and Measures

Unit 5: Fractions


Unit 6: Probability

Unit 7: Ratio and Proportion

Unit 8: Lines and Angles


Unit 9: Sequences and Graphs

Unit 10: Transformations

Unit 1: Number


Unit 2: Area and Volume

Unit 3: Statistics, Graphs and Charts


Unit 4: Expressions and Equations

Unit 5: Real Life Graphs


Unit 6: Decimals and Ratio

Unit 7: Lines and Angles

Unit 8: Calculating with Fractions


Unit 9: Straight-line Graphs

Unit 10: Percentages, Decimals and Fractions

Unit 1: Indices and Standard Form


Unit 2: Expressions and Formulae


Unit 3: Dealing with Data

Unit 3: Continued


Unit 4: Multiplicative Reasoning


Unit 5: Construction

Unit 5: Continued


Unit 6: Sequences, Inequalities, Equations and Proportion


Unit 7: Circles, Pythagoras and Prisms

Unit 7: Continued


Unit 8: Graphs

Unit 9: Probability


Unit 10: Comparing Shapes

Unit 10: Continued


KS3 to KS4 Transition


GCSE Preparation Unit 1 

10 (F)

Unit 1: Number


Unit 2: Algebra


Unit 3: Graphs, Tables and Charts

Unit 3: 



Unit 4: Fractions and Percentages


Unit 5: Equations, Inequalities & Sequences

Unit 6: Angles


Unit 7: Averages and Range

Unit 8: Perimeter, Area and Volume 1


Unit 9: Graphs


Unit 10: Transformations

Unit 11: Ratio and Proportion


Unit 12: Right-angled Triangles


Unit 13: Probability

Unit 13: Continued


Unit 14: 

Multiplicative Reasoning


Unit 15: Construction, Loci and Bearings

10 (H)

Unit 1: Number


Unit 2: Algebra


Unit 3: Interpreting and Representing Data

Unit 3: 



Unit 4: Fractions, Ratio and Proportion


Unit 5: Angles and Trigonometry

Unit 6: Graphs


Unit 7: Area and Volume


Unit 8: Transformations and Constructions

Unit 8: 



Unit 9: Equations and Inequalities


Unit 10: Probability

Unit 11: Multiplicative Reasoning


Unit 12: Similarity and Congruence


Unit 13: More Trigonometry

Unit 13: Continued


Unit 14: Further Statistics


Unit 15: Equations and Graphs



Unit 16: Quadratic Equations and Graphs


Unit 17: Perimeter, Area and Volume 2


Unit 18: Fractions, Indices and Standard Form

Unit 18: 



Unit 19: Congruence, Similarity and Vectors


Unit 20: More Algebra




GCSE Revision

GCSE Revision

GCSE Revision

GCSE Revision



Unit 16: Circle Theorem


Unit 17: More Algebra

Unit 18: Vectors and Geometric Proof


Unit 19: Proportion and Graphs



GCSE Revision

GCSE Revision

GCSE Revision

GCSE Revision

Curriculum Overview