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Lea Manor High School

Support for You and Your Child

Raising teenagers can have its difficult moments! We would encourage you to contact the Safeguarding Team or speak to a member of Lea Manor High School staff if you have any concerns or worries.

Alternatively here are a number of organisations of where you can seek advice and support:


All bullying is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. 

Bullying can include name-calling, teasing, violence, any harmful behaviour that is intended to hurt another individual or group either physically or emotionally.

Please contact a member of your child’s year team (such as form tutor, pastoral lead, safeguarding team) as soon as possible. Offer your child reassurance that it will be managed appropriately. Your child’s & your views will be heard.

Support as a parent can be found: 

Young Minds
Website: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/parent/parents-a-z-mental-health-guide/bullying/

Mental Health Support

We know teenagers can suffer with the mental health difficulties; whilst not intended to be an exhaustive list,  this could include behaviours such as:

  • continuous low mood or sadness as well as frequent tearfulness
  • voicing or showing feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  • being irritable and intolerant of others
  • little or no enjoyment of things that were once interesting to them and increasing social isolation.

 If child is struggling and in a mental health crisis or sharing ideologies indicative of suicide; contact 999 immediately.

The school has a dedicated Mental Health Lead, Ms E Lloyd-Hepden, who is able to provide pupils with support surrounding all aspects of their mental health and wellbeing.
Email: elloydhepden@leamanorhighschool.org

If you live in Luton, call NHS 111 & ask for ‘Option 2’
Website: https://camhs.elft.nhs.uk/Crisis-Support

Health for Young People
This website provides you with information to stay safe and healthy, as well as helping you decide what to do when you feel unwell. It is used by healthcare professionals from across the region. This ensures that you receive consistently high quality care, irrespective of where you are seen.

Website: https://www.blmkhealthiertogether.nhs.uk/health-for-young-people 

Eating Disorders

People with eating disorders use disordered eating behaviour as a way to cope with difficult situations or feelings. This behaviour can include (not limited to):

  • limiting the amount of food eaten
  • eating very large quantities of food at once
  • getting rid of food eaten through unhealthy means (e.g. making themselves sick, misusing laxatives, fasting, or excessive exercise), or a combination of these behaviours.

We would encourage you to provide support and speak openly with your child and schedule a GP appointment as soon as possible.

Parental support:

Carers Eating Disorder Association (CEDA) 
CEDA have regular 1:1 and support groups on offer for parents & carers.

Phone: 01582 470 900         WhatsApp: 07826 366 477
Email: info@drcbeds.org.uk  Website: https://drcbeds.org.uk/ceda/

Community Eating Disorder Service (Bedfordshire and Luton)
CEDS provide support people to a life worth living and improve health for people in our population

Available: Monday – Friday – 9am – 5pm
Telephone: 01582 293333
Email: elt-tr.eatingdisorder.service@nhs.net
Website: https://www.elft.nhs.uk/services/community-eating-disorder-service-bedfordshire-and-luton

BEAT - Eating disorders support
BEAT encourage and empower people to get help quickly, because the sooner someone starts treatment, the greater their chance of recovery.

Available: any day, any time
Telephone: 0808 801 0677
Email: help@beateatingdisorders.org.uk
Website: https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk

Caraline offer specific eating disorder support and can be contacted for self-referrals.

Available: Monday – Friday – 9am – 5pm
Phone: 01582 457474
Website: https://caraline.com/


Signs of anxiety may include (not limited to) your child:

  • finding it hard to concentrate
  • not sleeping, or waking in the night with bad dreams
  • not eating properly
  • quickly getting angry or irritable, and being out of control during outbursts
  • constantly worrying or having negative thoughts, feeling tense and fidgety
  • using the toilet often
  • crying or being clingy, complaining of tummy aches and feeling unwell

First and foremost, it’s important to talk to your child about their anxiety or worries.

Reassure them and show them you understand how they feel. It’s important to help them find solutions.

Teach your child to recognise signs of anxiety in themselves, encourage your child to manage their anxiety and ask for help when they need it

A GP visit would be encouraged as well as alerting the a member of School staff or the Safeguarding Team if you are worried about your child experiencing anxiety.

Additional support as a parent can be found: 

Young-Minds Parents Support
Young Minds offer a specific support service for parents and carers.

Available: Monday – Friday – 9.30am – 4pm
Phone: 0808 802 5544
Website: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/parent/parents-a-z-mental-health-guide/anxiety/


Bereavement can be a difficult time for any family and friends to navigate.

Children need to receive love, reassurance, attention and safety. Children need to feel involved. We would advise not to ‘shut them out’. 

Children need to be allowed to talk and be listened to. 

It can help them to see and hear adults expressing their feelings. This can help them to understand and express their own feelings. 

Please alert a member of school staff or the  Safeguarding Team if you have experienced a bereavement so we can talk about any additional support which can be implemented.

Organisations who also provide support:

Bereavement advice service: 

Cruse bereavement support: 

Grief encounter support: 

At a Loss bereavement support service: 

Winston’s Wish bereavement support: 

CHUMS bereavement support: 

Self Harm

Self-harm can present in a number of ways (not exhaustive list) including pinching, burning or cutting.

Learning your child has been self-harming is upsetting however try not to panic or overreact. 

The way you respond to your friend or family member will have an impact on how much they open up to you and other people about their self-harm in the future.

Remember that self-harm is usually someone’s way of managing very hard feelings or experiences, and that in the majority of cases it is different to suicidal thoughts. 

Let the person know that you are there for them. Try to have empathy and understanding about what they are doing.  Let them be in control of their decisions.

Offer to help them find support and remind them of their positive qualities and things they do well. Try to have honest communication, where you take responsibility for any fears you have.

We would encourage visiting your GP with your child as well as monitoring any wounds (ensuring they are clean and not infected).

Please do also contact the LMHS Safeguarding Team as we can discuss with you and your child any additional support which may be helpful.  

Organisations offering additional advice and support:

Young Minds
Parental support and guides on managing self-harm

Website: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/parent/parents-a-z-mental-health-guide/self-harm/

We Are With You
Support for families & advice regarding self harm

Website: https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/help-and-advice/advice-friends-family/self-harm-advice-parents/


Exploitation can be evident in various forms, including forced labour and modern slavery; domestic servitude; forced marriage, trafficking or organ harvesting. 

Children and young people can be trafficked into or within the UK to be exploited. They're moved around the country and abused by being forced to take part in sexual or criminal activities, often with more than one person. 

Sometimes abusers use violence and intimidation to frighten or force a child or young person, making them feel as if they've no choice. They may lend them large sums of money they know can't be repaid or use financial abuse to control them.

Anybody can be a perpetrator of exploiting a child, no matter their age, gender or race. Children and young people who are exploited may also be used to 'find' or coerce others to join groups.

It may be difficult to talk to someone but we would encourage you contact the Safeguarding Team or a member of staff at Lea Manor High School as soon as possible. 
We will work with you and your child as to the most appropriate, safe and supportive next steps.

Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE)

Other places for support:    

Luton Children’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Available: Monday – Friday – 9am – 5pm
Telephone: 01582 547653
If you require support on Saturday or Sunday, please call 0300 300 8123.

Bedfordshire Police
Available any day, any time.
Telephone: 999 or 101;
Luton Police Station can also be contacted on 01582 401 212. 

Childline can provide help and advice on a variety of issues.

Available: any day, any time
Telephone: 0800 1111
Online chat at :www.childline.org.uk

Violence Exploitation Reduction Unit (VERU)
Bedfordshire VERU provides specific support for young people, families and carers.

Website: https://bedsveru.org/

This is the strand of Crimestoppers for young people. 100% anonymous.

Available: any day, any time.
Phone: 0800 555 111         
Website: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/fearless/what-is-fearless

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

CSE is a type of sexual abuse. When a child or young person is exploited they're given things, like gifts, drugs, money, status and affection, in exchange for performing sexual activities.

Young people are often tricked into believing they're in a loving and consensual relationship. This is called grooming. They may trust their abuser and not understand that they're being abused.

It may be difficult to talk to someone but we would encourage you to contact a member of the Safeguarding Team at Lea Manor High School as soon as possible. 
We will work with you and your child as to the most appropriate, safe and supportive next steps.

Other places for support:    

Luton Children’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Available: Monday – Friday – 9am – 5pm
Telephone: 01582 547653
If you require support on Saturday or Sunday, please call 0300 300 8123.

Bedfordshire Police
Available any day, any time.
Telephone: 999 or 101;
Luton Police Station can also be contacted on 01582 401 212. 

Childline can provide help and advice on a variety of issues.

Available: any day, any time
Telephone: 0800 1111
Online chat at :www.childline.org.uk

Azalea is a Luton based charity which aims to end to the social injustice of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

Available: Monday - Friday – 9am – 5pm
Phone: 01582 733200
Email: info@azalea.org.uk
Website: https://www.azalea.org.uk/

Faiths Against Child Sexual Exploitation (FACES)
A Christian-Muslim partnership in Luton, working to build resilience within faith communities against CSE and other forms of harm.

Email: admin@faces.org.uk
Website: https://faces.org.uk/

Link to Change
Link to Change uphold a vision whereby everyone can live free from exploitation.
They are based in wider-Bedfordshire but will be able to advise on Luton support.

Available: Monday - Friday – 9am – 5pm
Phone: 01480 474974
Email: info@linktochange.org.uk          
Website: https://www.linktochange.org.uk/   

Social Media

Internet access (and social media) has a number of positives for us all.

We would encourage you talk openly to you child about social media and their usage and what platforms they are using. Reassure them they can talk to you and share reminders about limiting the personal information they share (such as location)

There are a number of guides which will support your understanding of the different apps:

Parent Zone
It’s not easy being a parent in the digital age. But Parent Zone Local is here to help.
They are an information and support service for the families in Luton;  offering resources, events and advice for everything related to everything you do, everyday, digital.

Website: https://parentzone.org.uk/pzlocal

Social Media guides for parents and carers also can be found: https://saferinternet.org.uk/guide-and-resource/social-media-guides

Image sharing
Having a sexual image or video of themselves shared online can be a distressing situation for a young person, and we understand it can be difficult to know what to do to support them. 

Any young person under 18 can now use ‘Report Remove’.

This will allow a young people to report an image or video shared online to see if it can be taken down. Once the report has been made, it keeps the young person informed at each stage, and provides further support where necessary.

You should also log a report with Bedfordshire Police (Call: 101)

We would encourage you to contact the Safeguarding Team as we can talk through additional support for you and your child which may be helpful.  


CEOP helps children stay safe online.

CEOP is a place where you can report any inappropriate or potentially illegal activity with or towards a child online.

You can make an anonymous report online, any day, any time at  https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/

Some examples of the reports that might be made to CEOP:

  • Someone online asked me to send a nude image
  • I shared a nude image with someone online and now they threatening me
  • Someone online kept asking me to meet them face-to-face, and I didn’t want to
  • Someone online was talking to me about sex and making me feel uncomfortable
  • Someone online put pressure on me to do things I didn’t want to do
  • Someone I met online was sending me pornography and making me feel uncomfortable

Thinkuknow is the education programme from National Crime Agency and CEOP.

Please visit www.thinkuknow.co.uk to access further information for young people and families. 

Lea Manor High School has recently updated our digital monitoring systems by investing in Smoothwall. Smoothwall is a firewall that provides premium online safeguarding support. 

Smoothwall will alert senior members of the Safeguarding team to inappropriate school internet, ICT network and equipment usage. For example searches for suicide, naked images and extremist content. 

The staff will then contact parents/carers to raise this issue and offer further advice, support and guidance

Sexual Harassment/Violence

It is difficult to learn your child may have been the victim or witness to sexual harassment and Sexual violence.

It is important to remain calm, listen without interrupting. We would advise to reassure it is not your child’s fault.

As crime may have been committed; please alert Bedfordshire Police as soon as possible on 999

They will advise any next steps.

We would also encourage you also contact Lea Manor High School and ask to speak with a member of the Safeguarding Team. 

Wider support for families and carers:

Bedfordshire Police
Available any day, any time.
Telephone: 999 or 101;
Luton Police Station can also be contacted on 01582 401 212. 

24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line
Provides free, specialist and confidential support for victims of sexual violence or abuse.

Available: any day, any time
Phone: 0808 500 2222    
Website: 247sexualabusesupport.org.uk

Victim Support
Charity helping anyone affected by crime including victims, witnesses, friends, family and anyone else affected.

Phone: 08 08 16 89 111                
Website: https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/

Crime and Support

It is worrying to think your child may be a witness or victim of a criminal offence. This could be in the community or online.

We would encourage you to talk through safety measures and plan with your child.

This may include things such as :

  • Communicate – speak openly about where they are going who with. Be open in conversation about their online use. It may also be helpful to have a code word or text between you and your child they can send if in danger. Talk through people and places they can access in an emergency.
  • Phones – If going out, ensure they have a fully charged mobile phone with emergency contacts saved. The HollieGuard App is also useful, free app for young people in keeping alert and journey tracking.
  • Look & Listen – encourage your child to keep vigilant when out in the community and going online.

If your child (or you learn of another child) has witnessed or experienced a crime; we would encourage you to contact Bedfordshire Police as soon as possible on 999.

We would also ask you alert the Safeguarding Team at Lea Manor High School or speak to a member of School staff as soon as possible. This will be so we can work with you and your child and talk through the most appropriate, safe and supportive next steps.

Other places for support:

Embrace provides face-to-face emotional support and counselling in schools to children who've witnessed or been victims of crime. There is also support online for parents/carers.

Website: https://embracecvoc.org.uk/help-support/ 
Email: time4u@embracecvoc.org.uk 

Violence Exploitation Reduction Unit (VERU)
Bedfordshire VERU provides specific support for young people, families and carers.

Website: https://bedsveru.org/

This is the strand of Crimestoppers for young people. 100% anonymous.

Available: any day, any time.
Phone: 0800 555 111         
Website: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/fearless/what-is-fearless

Luton Children’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Available: Monday – Friday – 9am – 5pm
Telephone: 01582 547653
If you require support on Saturday or Sunday, please call 0300 300 8123.

Bedfordshire Police
Available any day, any time.
Telephone: 999 or 101;
Luton Police Station can also be contacted on 01582 401 212. 

Childline can provide help and advice on a variety of issues.
Available: any day, any time
Telephone: 0800 1111
Online chat at :www.childline.org.uk

Substance Misuse

Substance misuse can be evident in various ways; including drug use and alcohol use.

Resolutions Luton
They provide tailored support for alcohol and drug use. They also provide aftercare to support people in their recovery. Resolutions also have a free and confidential specific support service for parents & carers

Phone: 0800 054 6603  
Website: https://www.changegrowlive.org/resolutions-drug-alcohol-service-luton


Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is when a female's genitals are deliberately altered or removed for non-medical reasons. It's also known as 'female circumcision' or 'cutting', but has many other names.

It is illegal for people in the UK to perform FGM. It is also illegal to take a girl overseas to have FGM performed on her and to assist the procedure taking place.

If you are aware of this taking place or suspect it is planned to be undertaken;
whilst it may be difficult to talk to someone but we would encourage you to contact Bedfordshire Police – 999 any day, any time.

Other places for support

Bedfordshire Police
999 any day, any time

Specific FGM support is offered by the NSPCC.
Available: Monday – Friday – 8am – 8pm
Saturday & Sunday - 9am – 6pm.
Phone: 0800 028 3550
Website: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/female-genital-mutilation-fgm/

Quick site exit is available.

Petals – Phone app
This is a phone app which can be found on your phone’s app store. The app is available for young people, both girls and boys, living in the UK who want to find out more about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Website: http://petals.coventry.ac.uk/

Extremism, Radicalisation & Prevent

This is the vocal or active opposition to our fundamental values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

Radicalisation is defined as the process by which people come to support extremist or terrorist views.

This may include being encouraged to engage in criminal activity (damaging property, commit violent acts).

There is no single route to radicalisation. However, there are certain behaviours you can watch out for that we often see when someone is being led down the path of extremism and radicalisation.

These signs and vulnerabilities are not listed in any order of importance or an exhaustive list:  

  • Being influenced or controlled by a group
  • An obsessive or angry desire for change or ‘something to be done’
  • Spending an increasing amount of time online and sharing extreme views on social media.
  • Personal crisis
  • Need for identity, meaning and belonging
  • Mental health issues
  • Looking to blame others
  • Desire for status, need to dominate

If you are worried someone close to you is becoming radicalised act early and seek help. The sooner you reach out, the quicker we can protect the person you care about from being groomed and exploited by extremists.

Prevent is a government strategy said to be aimed at stopping people being drawn into terrorism. It is part of an over-arching counter-terrorism strategy called Contest.

Prevent is not about catching terrorists, it is about identifying people who may be at risk of radicalisation, and supporting them to change direction in a way that will help them. 

It may be difficult to talk to someone but we would encourage you to visit the Lea Manor High School Safeguarding Team or speak to a member of the School staff as soon as possible.  

Other places for support for parents & carers: 

Action Counter Terrorism
Act early and tell us your concerns in confidence. You won’t be wasting their time and you won’t ruin lives, but you might save them.
Website: https://actearly.uk/

Sexual Health

There is no definitive list of indicators that your child may be sexually active however it is really important to talk to your daughter or son about contraception and safe sex (including consent).

There is a guide with tips and advice on how to do this:

Advice for parents/carers can be found at:

Luton Sexual Health Clinic
Phone: 01582 497070
Website: https://www.lutonsexualhealth.org.uk/

Parentline Plus
A national charity providing free, 24-hour help and support.

Phone: 0808 800 22 22
Website: www.parentlineplus.org.uk           www.gotateenager.org.uk 

Gender Identity

Gender dysphoria can be experienced by younger children and this can show up in lots of different ways. Often, the thing to look out for is a persistent, insistent and consistent gender identification that is different to the one they were given at birth.

We would encourage visiting your GP with your child to explore this further as a family.

Also please contact the LMHS Safeguarding Team as we can discuss with you and your child any additional support which may be helpful. We are here to listen & support if you wish to discuss your gender and identity.

You will be listened to and supported.

Other places of support

The Proud Trust
The Proud Trust is the home of LGBT+ Youth and this dedicated website is full of advice, information and resources for children and young people. One their website you will find some helpful information covering a range of different things such as coming out, faith and religion, and staying safe.

Website: https://www.theproudtrust.org/young-people/

Transgender Mermaids has been supporting transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse children, young people, their families and professionals since 1995.

Available: Monday – Friday - 9am – 9pm
Phone: 080 880 10400
Website: https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/

A national voluntary organisation and charity dedicated to supporting families and their LGBTQI+ loved ones. FFLAG is part of the Safe Space Alliance, which is a LGBTQI+ led non-profit organisation that aims to help people identify, navigate, and create safe spaces for the LGBTQI+ community worldwide.

Available: Wednesday and Thursday - 10am - 8pm
Friday and Saturday – 10am – 6pm
Phone: 0300 688 0368
Website: https://www.fflag.org.uk/

TOKKO run the OK2B is a group for LGBTQI+ young people. The Group is held at the safe, and friendly Tokko Youth Space in Luton and enables young people to meet new people, get support from a great team of staff, play pool or games with other LGBTQI+ young people. 

To access, please register online or speak to a member of the safeguarding team.

Phone: 01582 544990
Website: https://tokko.co.uk/our-projects/support-projects/ok2b/