Safeguarding Team
If you have any immediate concerns about a child/student or family member, please contact the school's safeguarding team:
Useful Numbers:
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) - 01582 547 653
Luton Police Station - 01582 401 212
Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead (ID 1041)
Mr A SmithDesignated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mr A Smith
Deputy Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
01582 652 600
Ext: 139
Safeguarding Team (ID 1039)
Ms E Lloyd-HepdenDeputy DSL & Senior Mental Health Lead
Ms E Lloyd-Hepden
Deputy DSL
Mental Health Lead
01582 652 600
Ext: 151 -
Miss L HoltonDeputy DSL
Mr J CampbellDeputy DSL
Mrs C JewsonDeputy DSL
Mrs C Jewson
Deputy DSL
Alternative Provisions Lead
01582 652 600
Ext: 125 -
Mr K RouseDeputy DSL