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Lea Manor High School


Admissions Policies

Lea Manor High School Admissions Policy 2024-25

Lea Manor High School Admissions Policy 2025-26

Chiltern Learning Trust Determined Admission Arrangements Policy 2025-26

Catchment List

If you live more than 3 miles from Lea Manor High School; you may be eligible for financial support towards travel. You need to apply for this online here.


Admissions (Oversubscription) Criteria

In accordance with the Education Act 1996, children with an Education Health Care Plan or a Statement of SEN are required to be admitted to the school named in the Statement/Plan. Thereafter the priorities below apply:

  • A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements or special guardianship order including those who appear to the school to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in care as a result of being adopted.
  • Pupils having their permanent residence within the present local authority designated catchment area and whose parents have expressed a written preference for the school.
  • Siblings of children attending the school at the time of proposed admission and whose parents have expressed a written preference for the school.
  • Pupils seeking admission on medical grounds (supported by a medical certificate that has been agreed by the Health Authority) and whose parents have expressed a written preference for the school.
  • Any other applicant.

Tie break
Where the number of places allocated within any of the criteria reaches 240, the distance criterion will be used as a tie breaker. The distance criterion is measured in a straight line between the school reception entrance to a point of the home address identified in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer.

Waiting lists
Where it is not possible to agree all applications, a waiting list will be devised. Pupils’ names will be held on the waiting list until 31 July 2025.

Parents will need to re-apply for a place after this date if they wish their child’s name to be carried forward on the waiting list.


Looked after child
A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).

A child is regarded as having been in state care in a place outside of England if they were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation or any other provider of care whose sole purpose is to benefit society.

Home address
The school regards a pupil’s home address as where she or he spends the majority of the school week (i.e. Monday to Friday, including nights) with her/his parent or legal guardian. The address of a childminder or family member who looks after the child before or after school cannot be used. If there is any query on the home address this will be checked against official documentation.

The term ‘siblings’ includes both natural, adopted and step brothers and sisters. It also includes fostered siblings, where foster care has been arranged by Children and Family Services. Other family relationships such as cousins will not be considered under this criterion.

Medical grounds
This refers to the health of the child for whom a place is being requested and for whom the school is the most suitable in the area to meet the child’s medical needs. It must relate to a recognised medical condition for which the child is receiving treatment. Medical evidence must be provided to substantiate the claim. The medical evidence will be sent to the Health Authority for advice in determining whether the child should be prioritised on medical grounds with regard to admission to the requested school.


Appeals Procedure

In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act (1998) parents/carers have the right of appeal against an admissions authority’s decision to refuse their child admission to a school or academy.

Appeal panels are entirely independent of the admitting authority and must apply the principles of natural justice and have regard to the School Admission Appeals Code.

Parents can appeal online for one of the school mentioned below by going to luton.gov.uk/admissions and clicking on Appeals, policies and arrangements and School admissions appeal form.

Alternatively, parents can obtain an appeal form by telephoning 01582 54 80 19 or requests for appeal forms and guidance on appeals can be made by emailing admissionsappeals@luton.gov.uk 

Appeal forms are also obtainable from the council’s Appeal Team (telephone 01582 54 80 19). Requests for appeal forms and guidance can also be made by email to admissionsappeals@luton.gov.uk or luton.gov.uk/admissions or by downloading a copy from luton.gov.uk/admission.

The timetable for organising and hearing admission appeals can be found on the Luton.gov website, under point 4.