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Lea Manor High School

Teaching & Learning Model


Excellent and well-sequenced knowledge rich curriculum with a clear intent for all subjects, outlined in subject documentation as learning journeys and curriculum overviews.

Explanations from the teacher are clear and concise.

When introducing new knowledge, teachers try to avoid cognitive overload by chunking information down, modelling new concepts and using regular low stakes testing to check new learning.

Information is provided in a pupil friendly way that everyone can understand and chunked into smaller parts when necessary.


High Classroom Expectations
Establish classroom conditions for effective learning creating positive, professional relationships through clear roles, routines, expectations and boundaries.

Supportive Environment
Teachers create environments where all pupils feel safe and supported to learn.

Routines are rehearsed and positively reinforced by staff, using a variety of behaviour management strategies to help challenge and correct student behaviour.

Adaptive Teaching
Teachers adjust their approach to meet the needs of their pupils regularly throughout the learning process.


Secure pupils’ fluency in storing and retrieving information from their long-term memory using a variety of retrieval strategies.

Questions are used to gain live feedback from pupils  in the lesson, targeted and will include all pupils  in the lesson using a variety of questioning techniques, such as Cold Calling, ‘Say it again better’ and ‘Think-Pair-Share’.

Response to Feedback
This is used to allow pupils to deepen their understanding through the creation of academic dialogue.

Self & Peer Assessment
Pupils engage in activities assessing their own work or that of others to help them develop their understanding of learning objectives and success criteria.


Learning Review
Learning overtime using retrieval practice to review knowledge and building long-term secure memory and fluency.

Secure Knowledge
Teachers provide pupils with accessible guidance to secure the learning with strong recall of the knowledge elements.

Teachers use feedback to secure learning and deepen knowledge and understanding, and improve performance.

Address Misconceptions
Teachers create an environment where pupils feel safe to learn from their mistakes and adjust their understanding by encouraging them to overcome misconceptions and build a solid foundation of knowledge.