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Lea Manor High School


Attendance is important at Lea Manor, as it is vital to a pupil's learning journey. We acknowledge the connection between high attendance and high achievement and as such, we reward the pupils who have achieved 100% attendance. Registration is taken every lesson to ensure that pupils remain in the school throughout the school day in order to get the most out of their education for every subject.

The school has Attendance Officers who will contact you if your child is absent. Our Attendance Officers works closely with the Education Welfare Officer to ensure that pupils are in school, and ready to learn.

The school does not authorise any time off for holidays, or extended visits out of the country. Again, this is to ensure that pupils learning potential is maximised, as is their achievement.

To report your child absence: Please call 01582 652600 and select option 1. Leave your child’s full name, form group and the reason of their absence. You are required to call each day that your child is absent from school.

Please ensure any proof of appointments requested are sent to attendance@leamanorhighschool.org.

Medical Appointments

As best as you can please take medical appointments out of school hours, we understand this can be difficult so please inform school prior to appointments and provide proof of the appointment. This can be the letter, appointment card or email provided. Please note proof of the appointments can now be sent to our attendance email attendance@leamanorhighschool.org or dropped off at the main reception.

Leave of Absence Request

Leave of Absence requests must be completed prior to travelling. When completing the form, a copy of tickets must be provided, both outgoing and return. A decision will then be made by the Deputy Headteacher (Mr A Smith). Following this, you will receive a phone call from either Mrs Z Zabbair or Mrs M Gibbons (Attendance Officers). Please note a written letter will also be sent to your home address.


It is important that your child arrives on time and is at line up for by 8:20am, if your child fails to be at the line up by 8:30am they will then be directed to the late room and receive a late mark, and this will result in a 30 minutes detention after school the following day.

Thank you for your support in ensuring your child’s attendance remains high. If you wish to discuss anything raised in this letter further, or you have any concerns please contact the school.

Every day, every lesson really does count.