Year 9 Subject Choices
At Key Stage 4 the aim of the curriculum is to give each pupil an individualised curriculum offered through both the Core Subjects and their Subject Choices, to enable pupils to progress on to the right 16-19 Study Programme or Apprenticeship. We aim to develop pupil knowledge and wisdom of contemporary living in modern Britain and focus on strategies that aid successful learning.
The compulsory core subjects are English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education (P.E) and Religious Education (R.E); and in these subjects your critical thinking skills will be sharpened whilst enjoying sport. The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) combines English, Mathematics, Science, History or Geography and a Modern Foreign Language, either French or Spanish. EBacc is a set of subjects at GCSE that keeps your options open for further study and future careers. This will be an important qualification in your aspiration for university. Consider your subject choices carefully and we will provide you with advice and guidance.
Pupils will also have access to further enrichment through our extra-curricular offer such as trips and visits, school teams, clubs, arts and drama opportunities.
All pupils will have the opportunity to do a week of work experience at the end of Year 10 and will be able to develop employability skills through our Careers Curriculum and volunteering opportunities. Pupils will have access to an outstanding Lea Manor High School Careers advisor, external 16-19 programme providers and other external careers advice.
Our timetable is organised on a weekly cycle of 25 lessons. In Year 10, there is a core curriculum of 16 lessons per cycle that all pupils follow.
It consists of:
- English Language and English Literature - 4 lessons per week
- Mathematics - 4 lessons per week
- Combined Science - 4 lessons per week
- Some pupils may study a Triple Science programme of individual Science qualifications in Biology, Chemistry and Physics instead of Combined Science.
- R.E - 2 lessons per week
- P.E - 2 lessons per week (Non-assessed subject)
All pupils then choose three subject choices, each occupying 3 lessons per week, for a total of 9 lessons.
Making your Subject Choices
There is a very wide variety of courses available, and it is important to consider these choices carefully as it not only affects what is studied for the next two years, but it could also affect the choices available to you at 16+ and beyond. We would advise you to talk to subject teachers about the subject choices on offer.
Every effort will be made to accommodate pupil choices, however, all pupils should make a reserve choice in case other choices cannot be accommodated.
All subject choice forms need to be returned by Friday 28th March.
Please note that pupil choices will NOT be dealt with on a first come first served basis. All forms handed in by the Friday 28th March deadline will be treated equally. Any forms handed in after the deadline may result in subject choices being unavailable.
We will be holding our Subject Choice Evening on Thursday 13th March. This will allow for pupils and parents to come in and speak to members of every department to find out more about each of the subject choices on offer and find out more about the KS4 curriculum.
If parents have any general queries or questions regarding the Year 9 choices, you need to email, and a designated member of staff who is dealing with your child’s choices will contact you.
Do's & Don'ts of choosing your Subject Choices
- Fully consider every subject choice and read through all the information
- Listen to advice from your Form Tutor, Subject Teachers and parents/carers
- Ask for advice if you are unsure, teachers will tell you what they think is best for you, they won’t just recommend their own subject
- Choose subjects you enjoy
- Choose subjects you are good at or those you could do well in
- Make sure you know all about new subjects before making a choice
- If you are considering going to University and have a course in mind, check the entry requirements at
- Check the route to a certain career if you have one in mind
- Complete the Subject Choice Form with care and hand it in before the Friday 28th March deadline
- Choose a subject you really dislike, you may not do well in it
- Rush your decision, take as much time as you need before the Friday 28th March deadline to make sure you are certain of your choices
- Choose a subject only because you like your present teachers. It may be unlikely they will teach you next year
- Choose a subject simply because your friend wants to study that subject. You will not necessarily end up in the same group
- Let others choose for you. It’s good to get lots of advice from others, but the final decision needs to be your own
Learning Journeys
Pupils will be put on either Learning Journey A or Learning Journey B to select their subject choices. Learning Journey A pupils will continue on their Modern Foreign Language (MFL) course as one of their subject choices. If pupils choose to do a Language in Learning Journey B, they will continue with the language that they have previously studied, either French or Spanish, and will not be able to change to the other language.
In the Summer Term we will be contacting the parents/carers of any pupils who need to further individualise their curriculum beyond these subject choices.
Learning Journey A | Learning Journey B | |
Pupils will study all these Core Subjects | English Language, English Literature, Combined/Triple Science, Mathematics, Languages, P.E, R.E | English Language, English Literature, Combined Science, Mathematics, P.E, R.E |
Pupils will choose one of these Choice Subjects | Geography or History | Geography, History, or Languages |
Pupils will choose one of these Choice Subjects | Art, Business Studies, Citizenship, Drama, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Health & Fitness, Music | Art, Business Studies, Citizenship, Drama, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Geography, Health & Fitness, History, Languages, Music |
Pupils will choose one of these Choice Subjects | Art, Business Studies, Citizenship, Drama, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Health & Fitness Music |
Subject Choices Booklet