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Lea Manor High School

Parent Governor Applications

Lea Manor High School currently has a vacancy available for the role of Parent Governor on our Governing Board.

If you’re interested in applying for the role, please complete the below application form by midday on Friday 29th November 2024. If we receive more applications than there are vacancies, a secret ballot will be carried out. We will inform you closer to the time if we have to do this.

Please see below more information about being a Parent Governor, and what this role entails:

The Role of the Governing Board

The school’s governing board is responsible for providing confident and strategic leadership, and creating robust accountability, oversight and assurance for the school’s educational and financial performance. 

The board is passionate about education and committed to continuous school improvement to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils.

The Role of a Parent Governor

As a parent governor, you’ll work with the board to make sure it effectively carries out the duties referred to above. You’ll also play a vital role in bringing a parental perspective to the governing board, but you’re not there to speak ‘on behalf’ of the parent body.

To be a parent governor you should have:

  • A strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children
  • Good interpersonal skills, curiosity, and a willingness to learn and develop new skills
  • The specific skills required to make sure the governing board delivers effective governance

Expectations of Governors

The Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) are committees of the Board. It is the role of the LGBs to support and strengthen their Headteacher’s leadership through robust challenges and to work via the Chair to hold the Headteacher accountable for the performance of students and staff. It is the responsibility of a Governor to be aware of the school performance and challenges through regular visits. Local Governing Bodies meet at least five times per year and the term of office is 4 years.

The Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) must observe complete confidentiality when matters are deemed confidential or where they concern specific members of staff or pupils both inside and outside of school. 

There will be a commitment for Governors to complete ongoing training to help understand the role and focus on key tasks, as well as statutory training in line with KCSIE requirements.

If you have any queries about this process or would like to find out more about the role, please contact Emma Topliff, PA to Headteacher and Clerk to Governors at etopliff@leamanorhighschool.org